Who We Are

Dry Creek Farm Owners Backcountry
Dry Creek Farm Owners Family

The Dry Creek Farm story, like the native pollinator plants that fill our acres, includes deep roots, steady growth with lots of sunshine, and precious moments of beauty, pollination, propagation, preservation, and colorful blooms.

The roots of this homestead farm are deep and historic, with the first deed on the property documented with the Territory of Colorado, before we were a state in the Union. The distinct triangular barn and home are estimated to have been erected in 1918. Dry Creek Farm was operated as a dairy farm, way out south and west of Longmont, until the 1960s or so.

In the 1990s the property was purchased by Tony and Kristy Martinez, a few years after their wedding at nearby Ryssby Church, shortly before their first son was born. Tony’s roots run deep with multiple generations (our sons are the 6th generation) who lived in the Niwot area and worked as agricultural laborers in the beet farms nearby. Kristy is a native of Boulder County who never saw a need to leave this beautiful place and dreamt of raising a family here. Tony and Kristy have now raised their three sons on Dry Creek Farm, with substantial help from the area Boy Scouts and 4H youth programs. They are proud that their sons played in the dirt all day, learned the value of hard work, know where their food comes from, and know how to be stewards of the land, themselves, and their community.

Dry Creek Farm is a working farm with primary products of eggs, honey, arbor services, and propagating native Colorado pollinator plants (most given away at community events) for the benefit of the native bees and their habitat along Dry Creek #2, our honey bees, and the folks who are just as passionate about the pollinators as we are. We feel blessed by the opportunity to grow these agricultural endeavors with the supplemental funds that the event venue provides. The venue also provides an opportunity to share with the community our water-wise, organic, native pollinator-friendly flower gardens and fields as a living educational display of sustainable and achievable yard management practices.

The Martinez Family has worked for decades to restore and preserve the historic buildings on our homestead farm, worked our farm ethically and sustainably, and shared our farm with the community that we love.

The Dry Creek Farm Event Venue is a dream fulfilled to share our blessings with others. We love the idea of sharing the wonder of our farm, and the breathtaking sunsets over Longs Peak and the Front Range, with those who are celebrating the most important milestones of their lives. We feel honored that folks would put their trust in us and also have the same free spirit, desire to make memories, and mindset to have fun and laugh along the way of this journey we call life.

The Dry Creek Farm Moto: Celebrating Your Dreams Come True (and ours, too!)

Dry Creek Farm Hens
Dry Creek Farm Wildflowers Galore
Dry Creek Farm Beekeeper