We love our neighbors!

We need to transparently communicate our policies in order to maintain strong relationships with our neighbors and Boulder County.

Boulder County allows farms like ours to showcase our products (eggs, honey, arbor services, and organic native Colorado pollinator plants) through 12 farm-to-table events per year. We are grateful for this opportunity and will honor all aspects of the Boulder County Land Use Code ordinances for Farm Events on agricultural properties.

Attendee Limits: Our events cannot exceed 99 attendees, with no exceptions. We will coordinate with our clients to make sure we are compliant on total head count.

Hours: Our events cannot take place outside of the hours of 10 am and 10 pm. In order to comply, amplified sound, and alcohol service must cease by 9:15 pm and all guests vacated, with lights out, by 10 pm. Please communicate this with your guests. We prefer to avoid any issues with this policy.

Sound: DJs or client controlled music play-lists are acceptable. Speakers must be directed toward the road and not toward the neighbors’ houses. All sound amplification must be monitored (there is an app for that) and remain under 85 decibels, as measured 3 ft. from the source. The onsite Owner representative will coordinate and monitor these requirements with clients, their guests, and DJs during event setup and throughout the duration of the event.

Majority Local Food Requirement: An additional Land Use Code requirement is that a majority of the food ingredients served at our farm-to-table events, must be grown or raised in Boulder County. In order to comply with and track this requirement, all food served at our events must come from a Boulder County catering company, restaurant, or food truck. We provide a pre-screened preferred caterer list for your convenience. [Click here for our preferred vendors list]. If couples or hosts request the use of another caterer or food truck not on our list, we reserve the right to review and approve that vendor.

Alcohol Service: If any alcohol will be served at your event, it must be served by a licensed and insured bartender. We do not have a facility liquor license. For leads on bartenders [Click here for our preferred vendors list]. To help our guests and neighbors be safe, alcohol service must cease at least 45 minutes before the end of the event, with 9:15 pm being the latest time alcohol may be served.

Bicycles on the Road: Fortunately our events take place when bicycle traffic is minimal. However, safety is our number one priority. Our road has a special bicycle shoulder and lane for both northbound and southbound traffic. We have designed our entrance to provide the most visibility for our guests and neighbors on two wheels, and ask all guests to take extra care when turning into the Dry Creek Farm Venue and exiting.

Good Neighbors Have Respectful Guests: Our beloved farm is our home. We love that we can share it with you. We ask you, and your guests, to treat our property like it is your home. We want to continue to maintain good terms with our neighbors and to share our home with families like yours, in the future.